
Our objective is to help people achieve meaningful outcomes through service provision in the following areas:

  • early intervention for preschool and school aged children
  • assistive technology and environmental modifications
  • developing communication and social skills
  • working and studying with a disability
  • living independently
  • moving safely at home and getting around in the community
  • daily activities like cooking, house cleaning, garden maintenance,  doing laundry and managing money
  • developing positive relationships

Our NDIS registration covers the following areas

Capital Supports

  • Assistive Technologies
  • Home Modifications

Capacity Building Supports

  • Therapeutic Supports
    • Physiotherapy 
    • Occupational Therapy
    • Mental Health – Occupational Therapy (MHOT)
    • Speech Pathology 
    • Social Work 
  • Early Childhood Supports – 0-7 years
    • Key Worker Model
      • Physiotherapy
      • Occupational Therapy
      • Speech Pathology 
      • Social Work
      • Allied Health Assistant (AHA)
      • Group Programs
  • Continence Nursing


Depending on your goals and your unique situation, our physiotherapist’s will work with you on a range of therapy initiatives to assist you with strength, movement and flexibility. Our Physiotherapists are experienced in working with children, adolescents and adults with the following diagnoses:

  • Cerebral Palsy (CP)
  • Down Syndrome 
  • Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
  • Stroke 
  • Intellectual Disabilities
  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS) 
  • Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and Huntington’s Disease (HD) 
  • Spinal Cord Injuries 
  • Amputations 
  • Developmental Coordination Disorders 
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) 
  • Juvenile and Rheumatoid Arthritis

Our Physiotherapists work with people to build their capacity in terms of functional mobility, strength and endurance, pain management and increasing quality of life through social engagement and participation. Our Physiotherapists deliver services in a variety of settings such as the home, school, place of employment or day-service or hydrotherapy pool to work with people to achieve their goals and aspirations in terms of their physical and psychosocial functioning. 

Physiotherapists also work collaboratively with Occupational Therapists, Speech Pathologists and Orthotists for the purposes of assessing and prescribing equipment or assistive technologies to support greater function in their life occupations such as the prescription of:

  • Wheelchairs – manual and power wheelchairs (PWC)
  • Supportive seating for function 
  • Standing Frames 
  • Gait Aids 
  • Orthoses & Splints 

Occupational Therapy

What is Occupational Therapy?
Occupational Therapy supports all people to engage in activities they find meaningful. These activities are referred to as “occupations”, and can be grouped into three broad categories.

  • Leisure; we engage in leisure occupations for relaxation, play and enjoyment. These will vary from person to person depending on personal interests.
  • Self-care; self-care occupations enable you to remain active and independent in your everyday life. Examples of self-care include but are not limited to, showering, applying makeup and cooking.
  • Productivity; through productivity occupations, you will derive meaning through your contributions. These will change throughout a person’s lifetime and will consist of schoolwork, parenting, volunteering and employment.

What do Occupational Therapists do?
Our Occupational Therapist’s support people of all abilities to engage in activities (occupations) that they find meaningful.

An Aspire Options OT will also,

  • Help you to master life skills such as bathing, getting dressed, brushing your teeth and self-feeding.
  • Assist people living with mental health disorders to manage their conditions to live independently at home and in the community.
  • Help children with emotional regulation, build fine motor skills, like handwriting and help build a child’s social skills.
  • Help people to gain special equipment to build their independence. These include but are not limited to: wheelchairs, splints, bathing equipment, dressing devices and communication devices.
  • Help to manage sensory challenges. Sensory processing disorder (SPD) is a neurological condition that exists when sensory signals don’t get organised into appropriate responses. People with SPD find it difficult to process sensory information (e.g. sound, touch and movement) from the world around them.
  • Complete Home Modification assessments for the purposes of determining how the environment can be designed and modified to meet your disability specific requirements for increased independence and safety.
  • Complete eligibility assessments for Supported Disability Accommodation (SDA), Supported Independent Living (SIL) and Independent Living Options (ILO) to support participants to work towards their goals and aspirations for moving out of home or living independently.

Speech Pathology

There are many reasons why a person might benefit from seeing an Aspire Options speech pathologist. Our speech pathologists diagnose and treat communication disorders across the lifespan, including difficulties with:

  • Speaking
  • Listening and understanding language
  • Reading and writing
  • Social skills
  • Stuttering
  • using Assistive Technology (AAC)
  • using their voice

Our Speech Pathologists also diagnose and treat swallowing disorders across the lifespan, including:

  • Difficulties with swallowing food and drink
  • A feeling that food and drink gets stuck in the throat and goes down the wrong way
  • People who are experiencing delays or impairments with their skills required to chew and swallow foods (ie. oral motor difficulties)
  • Children who display particular food choices and difficulties eating and swallowing a wide variety of foods
  • Coughing and choking or frequent throat clearing during or after eating and drinking.

At Aspire Options our Speech Pathologists work with children, adolescents and adults who have a variety of diagnoses including, but not limited to:

  • Acquired or Traumatic Brain Injuries
  • Stroke
  • Down Syndrome
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Intellectual Disability
  • Hearing Loss
  • Developmental Delays

Speech Pathologists work collaboratively with families, care teams, other allied health professionals (Physiotherapists & Occupational Therapists) for the purposes of assessing and prescribing equipment or assistive technologies (AT) to support greater function with a persons’ communication skills including, but not limited to:

  • Eye gaze communication devices
  • Tablets or electronic communication devices
  • Visual communication options (ie. visual aids)

Our Speech Pathologists deliver services in a variety of settings which include the home, education settings, community setting, supported day programs or employment settings as a means of working collaboratively with the person within their natural environment for capacity building and inclusion.

Mental Health

Aspire Options offers Mental Health Occupational Therapy and Social Work as supports to work with people to build their capacity in terms of emotional and behavioural regulation, interpersonal relationships, independent living skills, social and economic participation and overall quality of life. We offer a wide range of support services for people including assessment and intervention.

Mental Health Occupational Therapy

Aspire Options offers supports for adolescents and adults in the following way:

  • Functional Capacity Assessments (FCA)
  • Assessments and interventions to build capacity for self-care and domestic tasks/routines
  • Supporting people to develop and engage in meaningful occupations, such as personal interests, leisure and recreation.
  • Assessments and intervention to build capacity for emotional and behavioural regulation:
    • Assisting people and their families/carers to understand emotional regulation and expression
    • Building skills for emotional awareness
    • Developing coping strategies, problem solving skills, self-advocacy and help-seeking skills
    • Confidential counselling and support around issues such as mental health, grief and loss, self-esteem, identity, stress management and relationship issues.
  • Assessment and intervention to build capacity for social skills and healthy relationships.

Social Work

Aspire Options offers supports for children, adolescents and adults in the following ways:

  • Assessments and intervention to build capacity for community access and participation for the purposes of shopping, social, leisure, education and employment purposes.
  • Practical support for independent living skills such as seeking housing supports, financial management and linkages to appropriate supports services within the community.
  • Assessments and intervention to build capacity for emotional and behavioural regulation.
  • Assessment and intervention to build capacity for social skills and healthy relationships.


With a COVID SAFE plan in place, Aspire Options is continuing to offer face-to-face therapy services (whilst applying social distancing, correct PPE, hand hygiene and appropriate cleaning).

Telehealth, Zoom and FaceTime appointments will continue to be available for safety and convenience.

The health and safety of our clients, their families and our team remain paramount. We are confident our team can provide a quality face-to-face service while adhering to our Coronavirus Policy (which continues to be modified according to the environmental factors and governmental directives and supports a safe environment for our clients and team alike).

Embrace the ‘new normal’ and together we can overcome!

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